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Laut Kepulauan Seribu Diminta Bersih dari Sampah
photo Rudi Hermawan -

Beaches and Waters Cleaning Prioritized in Seribu Islands

The cleaning of waters and beaches from garbage is one of the priority programs of Seribu Islands Regent, Husein Murad. It is because the waters is its own selling point for Seribu Islandsthat became a tourist destination.

The beach and sea must be clean from garbage, as we sell it here, thus the tourist will visit the island

"The beach and sea must be clean from garbage, as we sell it here, thus the tourist will visit the island," he expressed, Tuesday (7/10).

According to him, the beauty and charm of Seribu Islands has been famous since the 1970s. It is now a government priority destination.

Replica Torch Parade to Light Up Seribu Islands

"We have to understand the task here in giving security, comfort and prosperity. We don't have to do every week or called communal work, but there is a special management that has been divided into zonation," he said.

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